Secure Heterogeneous Information Presentation
– SHIP –
(heterogeneous contents on heterogeneous platforms)
The Programming Technology Group (PTG)
Department of Computer Science, University of Bergen
April 26, 2006
1 Context and relevance
The networked society is entirely dependent on the access to and use of information.
A typical problem for a user is that the information he is seeking is available but not
organised in the way matching his actual needs. E.g., it is in a different format which does
not conform to the user’s interface, it has a different logical structure which is not handled
properly by the user’s software, the user is not authorised to access it, typically, for some
security reasons. By the word “presentation” in the title we mean the general process
of information disclosure, exchange and use. It poses problems to the user like those just
mentioned, and puts serious demands on the service providers in order to circumvent them.
One can distinguish two complementary aspects of this general situation:
(i). On one hand, the user wants easily accessible information structured for his purposes
and tailored for presentation in the format available to him – this is the presentation
(ii). On the other hand, the information provider must not just ensure the widest possible
availability of the stored data, but also their consistency accross different presentation
forms (the information content should be the same no matter on what platform or in
what form it is presented) and their security (preventing unauthorised access, etc.)
– this is the security aspect.
Problems related to both these aspects can be, most generally, viewed as originating from
heterogeneity: of formats and platforms, of demands and expectations, of user types and
information content, of communication channels and security ob jectives. This pro ject
addresses the problem of tailoring content (text, sound, images or video) to the possibili-
ties/limitations of various platforms (terminals, PDA, mobile telephone, laptop computer,
home video installation) and the preferences of the user (mute, large font or even braille,
black-and-white, only the headlines, etc.).
2 Pro ject description
2.1 Background and state-of-the-art
The problem identified in the previous paragraph has been attacked by several R&D groups,
both in academia and in industry. This has resulted in a number of practical, but ad hoc
proposals or attempts to solve it. For example, LSDI (Large Scale Distributed Information
Systems) laboratory has specialized in the emerging area of the Semantic Web, [1]. W3C
has adopted SMIL which is an XML application that enables simple authoring of interactive
audiovisual presentations, [4]. Vizrt’s graphics solutions are tailored for the broadcasting
industry (
Although these are cutting-edge solutions, they are too specific, and generally fall short
with respect to solving the general problem in a satisfying way. A deeper analysis of this
failure reveals that while the enormous heterogeneity is a fact of network-life, the existing
proposals tend toward suggesting possible standards rather than approaching systemati-
cally their shortcomings.
Certainly, establishing common standards is a desirable process and result but, in the
meantime, one has to address heterogeneous agents acting in heterogeneous environments.
(There is little to indicate that the situation will change dramatically even if some more
standards will be established.) Multiplicity of solutions is understandable, and probably
even desirable, when one considers the great variety of specific problems which must be
addressed – expecting one unified approach does not seem realistic. However, one would
expect that some common issues, appearing in many different situations, can be identified
and organised for the benefit of the future users.
This pro ject takes up the challenge of addressing in a systematic way this very prob-
lem. It does not aim at designing the unified methodology addressing all possible ways
of disseminating information. But it does aim at providing a general framework of wide
applicability for disseminating heterogeneous contents on heterogeneous platforms in a way
which ensures consistency of various presentations, is adaptable to the needs of the par-
ticular user and does not compromise the security issues. (One can propose the following
analogy: problems with organising large amounts of data resulted, in the early days of
databases, in a wide variety of methods and particular solutions; the emergence of the re-
lational model neither suppressed all of them, nor precluded further development of models
for specific applications; it did not even prevent one from developing ill-designed relational
databases; but it identified a series of key issues to be considered in the design process and
provided a general methodology for handling them.)
We finish this section with the observation that Information Network Management has
become strongly multidisciplinary in recent years, with important influences from Software
Engineering, Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence.
2.2 Goals
The overall goals of the SHIP pro ject are as follows:
G1. Advancing the state-of-the-art of network technology
by developing a flexible framework for
• handling data and
• organising software
for heterogeneous content on heterogeneous platforms which provides a solution to
the problem sketched above.
G2. Strengthening the national competence base around these issues
• Increasing the knowledge base of the researchers involved in the pro jet
• Educating new experts (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) in the field
G3. Transfer of the existing and acquired knowledge to industry
• Close cooperation with industrial partners
• Development of prototype solutions based on the acquired insights
G4. Disseminating and exchganing the emerging knowledge
• Publications in both (inter)national conferences and journals
• Continuing and strengthening the existing cooperation with the researchers
2.3 Results
The following results are planned:
R1. qualified competence in the form of Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in connection with the
pro ject (goal G2)
R2. a framework for handling data and organizing software for secure information pre-
sentation (goal G1, G2)
R3. a prototype in the field of distance learning (goal G3, G2, G1)
R4. workshops with industrial partners included (goal G3)
R5. publications on the framework and on the new theoretical insights (goal G4)
2.4 Challenges and how to approach the problem
The ma jor challenge is to combine the two inter-dependent aspects suggested in Section 1:
(i) the presentation aspect: the desired flexibility to adapt to different preferences/technical
possibilities of different user/platform combinations, and even to the possibly chang-
ing preferences of one user, and
(ii) the security aspect: the concern for the adequacy, consistency and security of the
presented information and offered services.
These two aspects will be addressed under four main headlines.
2.4.1 Design and formalisation of presentation patterns
The first necessary step is the development of a language for specifying presentation pat-
terns and modalities. It should allow one to correlate the (logical and physical) format
of the stored data with the intended (logical and physical) presentation medium. For the
effective deployment of formal methodology, this should be a declarative language with
a sound operational semantics. A plausible way to proceed seems to be enriching XML
style sheets with suitable presentation primitives. One of the benefits of this choice is easy
syntax and parsing.
The challenge here is to ensure a reasonable genericity of the solutions which can be
reused in different contexts [9]. The language should also provide a modular structure
allowing for reuse of larger components and not only of the low level partial solutions.
Here we will build on earlier experiences and develop further the technology of presentation
patterns with which we have been working over last years.
Aiming at reusability and genericity of the results, we will generalise the specific solu-
tions capturing them in a rigorous, yet user friendly, diagrammatic specification formalism
based on generalized sketches (The existing results and earlier experiences show that they
can be used for a variety of purposes like modelling of data, processes and metadata, gener-
alizing a series of diagrammatic techniques used in software engineering like FDM-schemas,
ER- and UML-diagrams, interaction diagrams, schema grids, [7, 8].)
2.4.2 Typing discipline as a basic security mechanism
Generalized sketches provide, along with the diagrammatic description formalism, a rigor-
ous semantic model which will be developed along the way. However, this model provides
only the basic semantics at the most general level and should be augmented with a more re-
fined semantics addressing resource-sensitive and operational aspects. This problem will be
approached by introducing adequate typing system allowing one to statically type presen-
tation specifications and conclude that if they are well-typed, they can be safely executed
under the operational semantics. Type-checking provides thus the first and general secu-
rity mechanism, which can be designed and used in all situations without addressing the
application specific issues, [10].
Note that “software security” does not mean here the classical issues of the program
correctness, loop or deadlock detection, let alone any specific encryption mechanisms. We
mean this in the general sense of preventing unauthorized changing, destroying or leak-
ing data from the client and server devices. Strict typing can contribute significantly to
preventing such security failures analogous to the way in which typing in programming
languages increases reliability of software. The inspiration comes from Java, where the
sandbox principle has been applied to similar purposes in the context of a general purpose
programming language. As far as we know this principle has not been applied in a plat-
form independent environment. This is on one hand much more difficult, but keep in mind
that the context of presenting content is limited and therefore easier than that of general
purpose programming language like Java.
Here we propose to elaborate the type systems such as developed, albeit for different
purposes, in the earlier pro ject MoSIS (see 2.7 and [12]).
2.4.3 Application/context dependent security analysis
Static typing, as described above, can preclude only, and only to some degree, the most
general kinds of failures (e.g., format-not-supported, resource-not-available). The impor-
tant task of their identification and handling should be, as far as possible, delegated to
the automatic type-checking mechanism. However, types do not address many more spe-
cific security issues which are dependent on the actual problem domain and which must
be handled explicitly by the system designer. A further challenge is therefore to design
a ”security language”. On one hand, it should allow one to state precisely a variety of
possible security ob jectives. On the other hand, it should provide appropriate abstraction
mechanisms for describing the security aspects of the actual programs. Finally, it should
facilate validation of programs with respect to the stated security ob jectives. [5, 6].
Here we will continue earlier work started in the MoSIS pro ject which, so far, has
resulted in a kernel language. Due to its modular structure, it can be combined with a
variety of specific languages and thus adapted to specific system descriptions.
2.4.4 Testing and validation of the methodology
The pragmatics will be explored in a number of small to medium size examples. One will
also develop a large prototype for actual use in practical situations. Given the earlier ex-
perience in the field, the prototype will most probably be designed for a distance learning,
which provides an excellent example of all the issues raised above: the adequacy of presen-
tation form, its accessibility on different platforms, access restrictions (e.g., solutions can
be accessed by the teacher, but cannot be compromised by being accessed/intercepted by
the students before the exam).
Here, cooperation with the industrial partners will contribute to the specification of the
requirements, as well as to the technical solutions and eventual utility of the product.
2.5 Pro ject plan
2.5.1 Work packages
W1. Pro ject management
(T1) Task: Pro ject coordination
Deliverables: Internal reports, work notes, drafts of reports and articles, pre-
(T2) Task: Pro ject reporting
Deliverables: Annual reports to NFR, status reports, web-updates, final re-
W2. Supervision package (result R1)
(T1) Task: Ph.D. 1
(T2) Task: Ph.D. 2
(T3) Task: M.Sc. students
Deliverables: Graduate candidates in the field
The supervision of M.Sc. students will be according to the university procedures on
this point. Ph.D. students will join the PhD Research School in Information and
Communication Technology at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.
For every Ph.D. student there will be one senior staff member involved in the pro ject
made responsible for the supervision, and each candidate will spend between a half
and a whole year in an associate institution abroad (see 2.7.3). The supervision will
be reviewed in the pro ject meetings, if necessary.
The doctoral candidates will be assigned tasks under work package W3-W5 depend-
ing on their specific bacground.
W3. Presentation patterns – syntax and semantics (results R2, R3)
(T1) Task: Design of a (diagrammatic) language for describing presentation patterns
Research challenges: 2.4.1, 2.4.2
(T2) Task: Sketch-based semantics for the language
Research challenges: 2.4.1
(T3) Task: Exploring expressivity of the language by embedding into it some existing
(diagrammatic) formalisms
Research challenges: 2.4.1
Deliverables: language definition and documentation, publications
W4. Security specification and analysis (results R2, R3)
(T1) Task: Division of security issues between the generic (type system) and appli-
cation dependent
Research challenges: 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3
(T2) Task: Typing system and type-checking mechanism
Research challenges: 2.4.2
(T3) Task: Language and semantics for describing application dependent security
Research challenges: 2.4.3
(T4) Task: Implementation of type-checker (T2) and verification system (T3)
Research challenges: 2.4.1, 2.4.3
Deliverables: type system, type checking algorithm, language for security specifica-
tion with documentation, algorithms and support system for verification, publications
W5. Prototype development (result R3)
(T1) Task: Requirement analysis and functional specification (with the industrial
(T2) Task: Coordination of and selection from the theoretical knowledge
(T3) Task: Operational semantics of the language from W3
(T4) Task: Programming the prototype
All subtasks respond jointly to the challenge 2.4.4.
Deliverables: documented requirement analysis, working prototype with docu-
mented code, test results, user manual
W6. Dissemination and collaboration package (result R3, R4, R5)
(T1) Task: Evalution of the prototype by the industrial partners
Deliverables: evaluation report
(T2) Task: Workshops with the industrial partners
Deliverables: workshop materials and proceedings
(T3) Task: Publications and conference participation
Deliverables: publications in journals and conference proceedings, presenta-
tions at conferences
2.5.2 Time schedule: see the e-application
2.6 Budget: see the e-application
2.7 Leadership and organisation
The pro ject will be carried out by the Programming Technology Group (PTG) at the
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, in cooperation with national and inter-
national partners (see 2.7.2, 2.7.3).
Professor Marc Bezem (CV enclosed) will function as the Principal Investigator
(PI). He is internationally recognized, both as (co-)author of over 50 refereed scientific
publications (
≥ 400 citations in ResearchIndex) and as (co-)editor (≥ 500 citations in
ResearchIndex). He has been involved in a series of international and national pro jects,
both as participant and as principal investigator. The 6 PhD students he has supervised
all graduated successfully. (The first MoSIS PhD graduates 15 May [12].)
2.7.1 Background competency
PTG has well-documented skills in software development methodology, the ability to take
theory into practice, as well as an excellent record on education. The group was qualified as
‘very good’ by an international panel of research experts, [11]. It has produced several PhD
degrees in recent years and is currently supervising seven doctoral students, in addition to a
considerable number of master students. It has industrial contacts with several companies,
among others, Intelinet, CellVision, Nera and Rogaland Research.
The research activities of the group are at a high international level and range from
foundational work on logical and algebraic foundations of programming, to program trans-
formation techniques and web technologies with focus on the component technologies in
software engineering. Its members have long experience and high expertise in the fields of
type theory, algebraic structuring mechanisms, logic and specification, secure network sys-
tems, diagrammatic methods, component software design, handling of bounded resources,
which all contribute to the ob jectives of the proposed pro ject.
The group has the following members (main research interests given in parentheses):
• Prof. Marc Bezem (type theory, declarative programming languages, component soft-
• Prof. Magne Haveraaen (algebraic software methodologies and frameworks, modular
software, program transformation)
• Assoc. Prof. Khalid A. Mughal (ob ject orientation, Java, web-based systems, distance-
• Assoc. Prof. Michal Walicki (algebraic and logical methods for abstraction and mod-
ularization, modular reasoning, multiagent systems)
• Assoc. Prof. Uwe Wolter (algebraic specifications, diagrammatic formalisms, cate-
gorical semantics, heterogeneous abstract model theory)
The group has in the years 2002-2006 worked under the NFR founded pro ject MoSIS (NFR
146967/431). It addressed the issues of modularity and interacting components, which is
of particular relevance for the proposed pro ject.
To a large extent, the proposed pro ject will benefit from the successful contributions
made in the MoSIS pro ject: modularity of the design and verification addressed in MoSIS
will contribute to addressing the challenges 2.4.1 and 2.4.2, while description and validation
of interacting components from MoSIS will provide the starting point for 2.4.3.
2.7.2 National partners
• Intelinet AS ( This company will be an active partner in the
pro ject. The (enclosed) letter confirming the cooperation gives additional information
on Intelinet. They will play a key role in Workpackage W5, the prototype. Part of
the budget for the Research Associate will be reserved for this.
• CellVision AS ( Norwegian company which develops commu-
nication products for mobile operators. CellVision’s products are founded on the op-
erators’ demand for solutions that convert complex network data and processes into
useful and simple applications. CellVision has developed cutting-edge technology in
so-called scalable graphics (grid- and vector-based), which is of obvious relevance to
• Høgskolen i Bergen: (Bergen University College) At present, PTG collaborates
with HiB (Assoc. Prof. Yngve Lamo) in a pro ject on Diagrammatic Software Specifi-
cations based on Sketches. The goal of the pro ject is to develope a software engineer-
ing tool for diagrammatic software development. The cooperation will be strength-
ened within the proposed pro ject and its results will be further developed towards
the current goals.
2.7.3 International cooperation
• DFKI-Lab Bremen The recently founded Bremen Laboratory for Safe and Se-
cure Cognitive Systems (SCCS) of the German Research Center for Artificial In-
telligence is headed by Prof. Dr. Bernd
uckner and is an active partner, see the enclosed letter confirming the co-
operation. SCCS is willing to host one or two SHIP PhDs for their stay abroad.
There are close connections between SHIP and the MMISS pro ject (MultiMedia In-
struction in Safe Systems,, also headed
by Prof. Krieg-Br¨
• Leicester University The University of Leicester has a strong and visible group in
Software Science and Engineering, headed by Prof. Jos´e Luis Fiadeiro. PTG has a
standing collaboration with this group (visits, CALCO, WADT). The enclosed letter
confirms their willingness to host our PhD students for their stay abroad.
• Cornell University Mughal will have a sabbatical at Cornell, Department of Com-
puter Science, in the academic year 2007/8 (see the enclosed invitation letter). There
will be active collaboration with the group working on security (www.cs.cornell.
edu/Research/Security). Supervision of SHIP PhDs will be guaranteed by regular
visits of various length.
The group will also continue cooperation with its network of European researchers,
among others, in the EU pro jects:
– Marie Curie RTN proposal Computability in Europe, [2]
– Coordination Action TYPES 510996, [3]
[5] Dimacs workshop on computational and formal security analysis of protocols. DI-
MACS, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, June 2004, http://
[6] IFIP WG 1.7.
[7] Z. Diskin. Mathematics of UML: Making the odysseys of UML less dramatic. In
H. Kilov and K. Baclawski, editors, Practical Foundations of Business System Speci-
fications, pages 348–381. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
[8] Z. Diskin, B. Kadish, F. Piessens, and M. Johnson. Universal arrow foundations for
visual modeling. In M. Anderson, P. Cheng, and V. Haarslev, editors, Theory and
Application of Diagrams, pages 345–360. Springer, LNAI 1889, 2000.
[9] Jos´e Luiz Fiadeiro. Software services: Scientific challenge or industrial hype? In
Proceedings ICTAC, volume 3407 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1–13.
Springer, 2004.
[10] David Naccache, Alexei Tchoulkine, Christophe Tymen, and Elena Trichina. Reducing
the memory complexity of type-inference algorithms. In Proceedings ICICS, volume
2513 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 109–121. Springer, 2002.
[11] The Research Council of Norway. Research in ICT in Norwegian universities and
colleges – a review. 2002.
[12] H.A. Truong. Type Systems for Guaranteeing Resource Bounds of Component Soft-
ware. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Bergen, 2006.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
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